“PICT URED SPLE NDOR” Nominated for the Pushcart Prize
It gives me great pride to share that Spoon River Poetry Review has nominated my translation of Kári Tulinius’ poem “PICT URED SPLE NDOR” for a 2020 Pushcart Prize.
A Fist or a Heart Named One of 2019's Best in World Literature
Library Journal has named A Fist or a Heart by Kristín Eiríksdóttir (trans. Larissa Kyzer) as one of 2019’s ten best World Literature titles.
“Lyrical, wrenching, and arresting as a fist punch to the heart, this award winner from Icelandic author Eiríksdóttir unfolds the growing concern of Elín Jónsdóttir, a seventyish theater props designer, for troubled young playwright Ellen Álfsdóttir. At the same time, the slow revelation of a terrible incident in Elín’s youth explains her insular existence while building with thrillerlike intensity. North-star bright.”
Appointment as Princeton's Fall 2019 Translator-in-Residence
From the announcement on the PIIRS (Princeton Institute of International and Regional Studies) website:
Larissa Kyzer and Damion Searles have been named as Princeton University’s Translators in Residence for the 2019-2020 academic year by the Program in Translation and Intercultural Communication (PTIC).
The PTIC program resides within the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies, which provides support for translation workshops, guest lectures, study abroad and new courses.